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  • Why should I become a program evaluator? What are the benefits?

    By becoming a program evaluator, you’ll gain valuable insights into accreditation activities. Many program evaluators indicate that this experience helps them in their nursing educator and/or practice roles and enhances their knowledge related to accreditation activities, thus benefiting their own program and/or institution. You will also learn about the various standards, quality indicators, and performance expectations. Moreover, you’ll have the opportunity to collaborate and network with other nursing professionals. Lastly, this service with a national-level professional organization will be a valuable addition to your curriculum vitae. 

  • Is there a deadline for submitting my application?

    We accept applications on a rolling basis, so there is no specific deadline for submission. Applications are reviewed quarterly, so there may be a delay from the submission date until a decision about your application has been made.

  • I am not affiliated with an NLN CNEA school. Can I still be a program evaluator?

    Currently, program evaluators are required to demonstrate their professional expertise. It is not necessary for them to be employed at an NLN CNEA accredited school.

  • What training will I receive to become a program evaluator?

    Once you are accepted as a program evaluator, we will schedule a one-day virtual training session to prepare you for this role. You will also need to complete some pre-training and post-training activities such as assigned readings you will need to complete.  When it is time to make a visit, you'll have the guidance of your team leader and team members.


  • How many site visits will I be assigned every year?

    Most program evaluators serve on one site visit team per year.

  • How long is a visit?

    The visit is usually two- and one-half days. You will be expected to arrive at the location the afternoon before the site visit begins.

  • What types of programs will I visit?

    The NLN CNEA accredits programs across the educational spectrum including, PN/VN, AD, BS, MS, post-graduate, and practice doctoral programs. Various factors are considered when making the team assignments, including your experience with the type of program under review.

  • Where are the visits?

    The NLN CNEA currently accredits programs in over 30 US states. We consider travel time and distance when planning team assignments. These accreditation activities occur at the program’s location, with site visits occurring in person. You generally will not be assigned to a program review in the same state where you live or work. The NLN CNEA also conducts some international accreditation activities. Program reviews for international programs are conducted virtually. 

  • When do the visits take place?

    Most visits occur during the academic year (September through mid-November and January through May). There are occasionally a few summer visits. 

  • Will I have time to visit the local area or have a family member join me on the visit?

    The visit is a work-intensive professional business trip. We do not recommend planning other activities during the scheduled visit time. However, you are welcome to plan additional days before or after the visit for your enjoyment, but you will be responsible for any extra costs. 

  • I have some other commitments and may have some limitations to my schedule. How can I make sure I am not assigned to review a program at that time?

    The NLN CNEA will ask about your availability before assigning you to a site visit. If the visit dates are inconvenient, you can simply decline that assignment. 


  • Who will be on the site visit team?

    A team of program evaluators will consist of a minimum of 3 members. There will be an experienced program evaluator who has special training and will serve as the team leader. Teams also have a practice representative and an education representative. Programs with multiple levels of programs or campus locations may have additional program evaluators.

  • How do I prepare for the visit?

    Approximately 6 weeks before the visit, you will be given access to the program’s self-study report. You will begin by reading and reviewing the submitted documents. You will also have some planning meetings with your team before the visit. The NLN CNEA provides other resources to assist you in preparing for the visit, and they are available via a shared file. 

  • Who pays for travel expenses?

    The NLN CNEA will pay expenses associated with the site visit. This payment covers reasonable expenses such as airfare, parking, meals, and the hotel. You will submit a travel expense voucher for expenses incurred, and then be reimbursed for these costs. 

  • Do I get an honorarium or payment for my participation in a site visit?

    This activity is considered professional service. Unfortunately, there is no payment or honorarium provided. 

  • Do I need to do anything after the visit ends?

    The team will prepare a written team report providing information obtained during the visit. To inform the NLN CNEA's quality improvement process, we will ask you to complete a voluntary survey evaluating your experiences. You will also submit your travel expenses voucher for reimbursement.

Still have questions? No problem! For further information about program evaluators and site visits, please send an email to We're happy to hear from you.

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