NLN CNEA offers many workshops and webinars that assist programs in their accreditation journey. Various components of the accreditation process are explained in these workshops and webinars. We look forward to seeing you at the next offering!
10 am - 430 pm ET
Recording Available for Purchase
2 - 4 pm ET
Recording Avaiable for Purchase
Recording Only
10 am - 430 pm ET
Recording Available for Purchase
2 - 4 pm ET
Recording Available for Purchase
Recording Only
3 - 4 pm ET
Recording Available
230 - 4 pm ET
Recording Available for Puchase
2 - 4 pm ET
Recording Available for Purchase
3 - 4 pm ET
Recording Available for Puchase
3 - 4 pm ET
3 - 4 pm ET
$250 for 5-part series OR $60 each
Recording Available for Purchase
Recording Only
Recording Only
Recording Only