Nominate Yourself or a Colleague for a Leadership Role in
Nursing Education Accreditation
The National League for Nursing Commission for Nursing Education Accreditation (NLN CNEA) is seeking nominations for the NLN CNEA Board of Commissioners and the Nominations Committee. The terms will begin January 1, 2026.
Applications open April 2, 2025 at 0730 am ET and close June 3, 2025 at 5 pm ET.
There are six Board of Commissioner vacancies for a nurse educator position. Educators representing nursing program types (practical/vocational, diploma (RN), associate degree, bachelor’s degree, master's degree, post-graduate certificate, and practice doctoral programs) are eligible to serve. Nominees from practical/vocational, diploma (RN), associate degree, and practice doctoral programs are especially encouraged to seek nomination for this election cycle. Nursing education representatives are employed at an organization that has one or more NLN CNEA accredited or pre-accredited programs. Nurse educators who do not meet this criteria are not eligible for placement on the ballot in a nurse educator role.
There is one vacancy for a nursing practice representative for the Board of Commissioners. Nursing practice representatives must either hold a part-time or full-time active nursing practice position.
Nominees will be expected to adhere to the Board of Commissioners engagement expectations. The term of office for the Board of Commissioners is three years.
There are also three openings for nurse educators on the NLN CNEA Nominations Committee. There is one opening for a pre-licensure representative. Pre-licensure representatives include those who have experience in pre-licensure nursing programs, including practical/vocational, diploma (RN), associate degree, and/or bachelor's degree in nursing programs. Representatives do not have to be employed by an organization that has one or more NLN CNEA accredited or pre-accredited programs. There are two openings for post-licensure representatives. Post-licensure representatives include those who have experience in post-licensure nursing programs, including RN-BSN, master's degree, post-graduate certificate, and/or practice doctoral programs. Representatives do not have to be employed by an organization that has one or more NLN CNEA accredited or pre-accredited programs.
Nominees will be expected to adhere to the Nominations Committee engagement expectations. The term of office for the Nominations Committee is two years.
Self-nominations are welcome. You may also email to suggest an applicant, who will then be sent the application by the NLN CNEA staff.
The application will require the submission of a CV and a personal and professional statement. Applicants must also sign a statement which confirms they are able to fulfill the engagement expectations for serving the NLN CNEA. Submission guidelines must be followed for full consideration. Document Guidelines
For questions, please contact the NLN CNEA staff at
Nominate Yourself or a Colleague for a Leadership Role in
Nursing Education Accreditation
The National League for Nursing Commission for Nursing Education Accreditation (NLN CNEA) is seeking nominations for the NLN CNEA Board of Commissioners and the Nominations Committee. The terms will begin January 1, 2026.
Applications open April 2, 2025 at 0730 am ET and close June 3, 2025 at 5 pm ET.
There are six Board of Commissioner vacancies for a nurse educator position. Educators representing nursing program types (practical/vocational, diploma (RN), associate degree, bachelor’s degree, master's degree, post-graduate certificate, and practice doctoral programs) are eligible to serve. Nominees from practical/vocational, diploma (RN), associate degree, and practice doctoral programs are especially encouraged to seek nomination for this election cycle. Nursing education representatives are employed at an organization that has one or more NLN CNEA accredited or pre-accredited programs. Nurse educators who do not meet this criteria are not eligible for placement on the ballot in a nurse educator role.
There is one vacancy for a nursing practice representative for the Board of Commissioners. Nursing practice representatives must either hold a part-time or full-time active nursing practice position.
Nominees will be expected to adhere to the Board of Commissioners engagement expectations. The term of office for the Board of Commissioners is three years.
There are also three openings for nurse educators on the NLN CNEA Nominations Committee. There is one opening for a pre-licensure representative. Pre-licensure representatives include those who have experience in pre-licensure nursing programs, including practical/vocational, diploma (RN), associate degree, and/or bachelor's degree in nursing programs. Representatives do not have to be employed by an organization that has one or more NLN CNEA accredited or pre-accredited programs. There are two openings for post-licensure representatives. Post-licensure representatives include those who have experience in post-licensure nursing programs, including RN-BSN, master's degree, post-graduate certificate, and/or practice doctoral programs. Representatives do not have to be employed by an organization that has one or more NLN CNEA accredited or pre-accredited programs.
Nominees will be expected to adhere to the Nominations Committee engagement expectations. The term of office for the Nominations Committee is two years.
Self-nominations are welcome. You may also email to suggest an applicant, who will then be sent the application by the NLN CNEA staff.
The application will require the submission of a CV and a personal and professional statement. Applicants must also sign a statement which confirms they are able to fulfill the engagement expectations for serving the NLN CNEA. Submission guidelines must be followed for full consideration. Document Guidelines
For questions, please contact the NLN CNEA staff at